Day to day fun stuff relating to the cutest pup in the world.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The New Job

Well, she did it. Mum finally made the choice to change jobs. After 11 years! Shocking, yes. I can't even conceive of that amount of time.
Problem is, she takes the bus now, which adds 2 hrs to her day away from me! I don't like that much. My buddy Sam's mum is going to check up on me from time to time, and I can go to Sam's place during the day which makes the 10 hr separation a little more bearable. Ah what the heck.. I'd just sleep anyway....


Blogger Lightfoot said...

Say congratulations to your mom, max. Hope she's enjoying the new scenery and change of routine. Tell her to post more often to let everyone know how it goes. Later!

8:16 a.m.

Blogger lvgeek said...

Tell your Mum Congratulations on her new gig! Maybe she can do this new thing called tele-commuteing a few days a week...

9:24 p.m.


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