A choice
Well well, who could the invader be? Suffice to say he is my mortal enemy.. or, a nice light snack.
He has invaded our den from the construction happening on the church in the next yard. There may be multiple invaders, we are not sure.
Poor little critters, their own homes have been buldozed, and where can they go, but someone else's home. Yes, I'm talking about the impetuous mouse.
They must love the warmth and the constant food availability.
Mum has waged a war though. Traps. I hope they pick the 'humane' one. Then they shall be set free. However, if they choose the wooden one.. boom .. a ticket to mouse heaven.
I don't suppose they know they have a choice.
How would I tell them? Would I need to become one of them to be able to communicate? I suppose that is the only way. Well, maybe I could guide them with more tempting food. But which is more humane? Instant death, after living such a rich and savory life in my house,(ending on a good note as they say) or be sent out into the cold Canadian outdoors where they would need to fend for themselves after being used to luxury. We still have a few hours before dusk settles in the land, and they begin their nightly hauntings....perhaps we will give them only one choice. So many issues. I think I'll leave it up to them.
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